Registration in USD

MEGAComm 2024: Great online conference offering:
Great speakers, presentations on the latest topics in tech writing, usability, ChatGPT a year later, UX writing, improving your career and your status in the company and so much more! New opportunities to meet and network with tech writers from all over the world.

(For Israelis, to pay in NIS: please click here.)

Please complete the attendee details section of this page, click Submit, and then complete by completing the payment process. Payment must be made at this time to complete your registration.

IMPORTANT: After you click SUBMIT, your information will be added automatically to the Attendee list marked as “pending payment”. To complete the process, you must ALSO click the link below to pay for the conference by credit card. If you prefer to pay by Paypal, write to: and we will send you information how to proceed.

Otherwise, upon completion of the second form from the secure credit card link, you will immediately receive an invoice confirming your payment.

To pay in US dollars, click here.
Again – this is NOT for Israelis, who are required to pay in NIS only.

Venue:   MEGAComm Online

Venue Phone: +972 584006640

Venue Website: