Who Is Behind This?

Who’s Behind The Conference?

MEGAComm is an amazing annual conference that takes place in late February/early March in Israel. It is attended by hundreds of hi-tech professionals from all over Israel and most years, we are honored at participants from several countries (from Europe, the US, Canada, and India). But who is behind the conference? First and foremost, each year we have been honored to have as loyal a group of sponsors as we have attendees.

The conference would not be possible without the combined team efforts of Paula Stern and her team at WritePoint Ltd.

We are also grateful for the assistance of a committee of volunteers, headed primarily by the Techshoret moderators: Ezriel Yellin, Cara Levy, and Paula Stern. We are also grateful to tekom Europe and the Initiative Committee of tekom Israel for their assistance in helping MEGAComm grow each year.

Finally and perhaps most importantly, we are grateful for several sponsors who have recognized the importance of MEGAComm and the value of the hi-tech community in Israel. Some are directly involved in meeting the needs of this community, others work in the background to promote it. Our main sponsor for many years has been Adobe Technical Communication. Their ongoing support and interest in the Israeli community has helped each year make this conference a reality.


If you’d like to sponsor MEGAComm and show your support for this tremendous effort, please contact: info@megacomm.org.