Let’s fix it! Rules of thumb for UX usability and writing

Presented by: Hadas, Khen


During UX design stages, text writing, and development something (or things!) can easily go amiss. But, with awareness and realization, you can get your user interface messaging back on track. Heuristics guide UX designers and writers as well as those who evaluate and measure the usability of user interfaces.

So, what happens when heuristics are ignored or forgotten? The user experience suffers—while some users might just roll their eyes and carry on, others will contact support or, worse case, uninstall your app or stop using your website.  

About our Speaker

Wow, I just did the math and found I’ve been in the writing profession for over 17 years. Experience came by way of companies in diverse fields—government, medical, semiconductor, cyber security and, now, ad attribution. Happily, in these industries, I gained experience with a wide variety of documentation types such as technical writing and knowledge-base but, on the more creative side, also sales, marketing, product marketing, and content storytelling.