Presented by: Yehoshua Paul, Tufin


Every product has bugs, and every product release has bugfixes: a laundry list that users have been waiting months to read.

Bug fixes are like sushi: bite sized in scope, technical communicators go through them way too fast, and always end up craving more when they’re finished. That hasn’t been your experience?

Clearly you haven’t been having enough fun with your bugs. This presentation will teach you how, and we’ll also talk about sushi.

Take Aways

  • How to quickly and efficiently document bugs
  • How to maximize the information from poorly worded and misleading bug descriptions
  • How to have fun with bugs

The presenter will also provide examples of how to apply these concepts and processes when developing communication-based materials.

About our Speaker

Yehoshua Paul is a father, geek, blogger, and technical communicator. He currently works as a technical communicator for Tufin in Tel Aviv, Israel. Yehoshua is a founding member of tekom’s Israel chapter, and is a certified reviewer for tekom. Over the course of his career, he has held a wide range of roles and responsibilities that enabled him to engage in translation, editing, marketing, and product design, as well as technical communication. He also enjoys sushi.