Presented by: Kirk St.Amant Louisiana Tech University and University of Limerick
Just how smart is artificial intelligence (AI)?
How do we integrate AI into content design – or do we use it at all?
This talk examines these questions from a usability and design perspective. Specifically, the presenter will use the perspective of mental models to define what “usable content” really means and what role AI can – or should – play in the content design process. In so doing, the presenter will also discuss how an understanding of mental models can help when making content development choices connected to product design.
About our Speaker
Kirk St.Amant is a Professor and Eunice C. Williamson Endowed Chair in Technical Communication at Louisiana Tech University and an Adjunct Professor of International Health and Medical Communication with the University of Limerick in Ireland. He researches how cognition affects usability and design with a focus on international health and medical settings.