Presented by: Jeff Aftel, Wix


How do you document a product whose target audience is either unclear, changing, or both?

Wix needed documentation to onboard a specific target audience to a new product, but that target changed over time. Ultimately, the docs address the needs of a range of users through different styles, content, and form factors. All while staying true to the Wix tone and messaging.


Knowing who you’re writing for is basic to creating good documentation. Not knowing who you’re writing for presents particular challenges and forces the writer to be very flexible in their style and deliverables. We don’t need to have “the” answer. We just need to be constantly re-considering our approach.

About our Speaker

Bio: Jeff is the Head of Documentation for Velo by Wix, where he’s worked since 2014. Before that he was a writer and team lead at HP Software for a number of products.

He’s also a graduate of WritePoint’s first training course 😉.