Like much of 2021, we’re starting off a bit tentatively but with much anticipation and hope. So, step 1, here’s a list of the sessions that we’ve been discussing and/or presentations that have already been accepted and schedule. Soon, we will start onboarding attendees. This way, hours before the conference begins, you’ll be able to customize your profile, pre-register for sessions and networking meet-ups, and a lot more. To learn more about our exciting online conference venue, keep an eye on this page: About the MEGAComm 2021 Platform
There will not be any problem switching, but we’ll update you as we go. Some sessions may have limited “seating” because they are designed for a more “intimate” atmosphere and more interactivity.
Partial Session List for 2021
- Zen and the Art of Storytelling (Jeff Klein, Tufin)
- Documenting a Product When You’re Not Sure Who Your User Is – A Case Study from Wix (Jeff Aftel, Wix)
- Soft Skills that Define a Successful Tech Writer (Rochelle Fisher, SentinelOne)
- Only Connect: How the evolving digital landscape is transforming technical communication (Ríona MacNamara, Google)
- The Evolution of Smarter Content (Bill Swallow, Scriptorium Publishing)
- Let’s fix it! Rules of thumb for UX usability and writing (Hadas Khen)
- An Open Source Toolchain for Documentation (Steve Goodman, Red Hat )
- Marketing, Technical Communication, Trust, and Truth: (Ray Gallon, The Transformation Society)
- The Dynamics of Cognition, Usability and Design (Kirk St.Amant)
- Let’s Get Technical (Ben Mansheim)
- Cracking the Code of Visual Content (Anton Bollen, Techsmith)
- Creating Simplified User Interface (SUI) Graphics (Anton Bollen, Techsmith)
- Creating Consistent Videos Faster (Anton Bollen, Techsmith)
- The Evolution of Smarter Content (Bill Swallow, Scriptorium Publishing)
- Dealing with Communication Obstacles and How to Get Heard (Helen Gottstein, Loud and Clear Training)
Confirmed/Topic to be announced shortly:
(Focus: AI) Ravi Kumar Adapa, Oracle